Slim Lipo Liposuction Frequently Asked Questions
One of the latest developments in liposuction is laser assisted Slim Lipo. This treatment utilizes advanced laser technology to reduce the pain and side effects, and shorten the recovery time of traditional liposuction. The Slim Lipo fat loss system offered at Aurora Medi Spa uses the most advanced laser technology to liquefy the excess fat, while simultaneously tightening the skin. It is effective for fat loss in areas of the body such as stomach, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck and chin.
In this article, the fat loss experts at Aurora Medi Spa in East Lansing and Birmingham, MI answer patients’ Frequently Asked Questions about revolutionary Slim Lipo liposuction.
Is Slim Lipo Liposuction FDA Approved?
The FDA has approved Slim Lipo laser-assisted liposuction for fat loss and simultaneous skin tightening. It is the most recent and advanced form of laser liposuction on the market today.
Is Slim Lipo Liposuction Covered by Insurance?
No. There are no forms of liposuction or other fat loss procedures that are covered by insurance, since these procedures are considered cosmetic and voluntary.
Why is It Called Slim Lipo?
The “Slim” in Slim Lipo stands for “selective laser induced melting.” The Slim Lipo device uses laser wavelengths to melt away fat deposits more efficiently than other liposuction treatments. The tiny incisions made to insert the laser eliminates much of the discomfort and recovery time.
Does Slim Lipo Liposuction Hurt?
Slim Lipo is a much more comfortable procedure than traditional liposuction. Traditional liposuction treatments use force to dislodge and remove fat before sucking it out with a tube. However, Slim Lipo uses a laser to liquefy the fat deposits it in order to make the fat removal easier. Therefore, there is less discomfort, and less bruising and swelling, as well as a much shorter recovery period with Slim Lipo. Our patient will lie comfortably on a soft, warm treatment bed.
The first step is that we will use a small needle to inject a local anesthesia into the incision sites in the area where the procedure will be done. The patient may feel a slight pinching sensation, but these injections are normally fairly painless and are often the only discomfort felt during the procedure. The area to be treated is also gently filled with a tumescent solution, which also numbs it from the inside. During the actual liposuction treatment, the patient is usually relaxed while listening to music, or watching videos and experiences little to no discomfort. Patients who are having trouble relaxing and desire it will also be given a mild sedative to assist them.
Are there Scars with Slim Lipo Liposuction?
Just like every other type of surgical procedure, the incisions made during liposuction do leave scars. However, the scars from Slim Lipo are much smaller than those left from traditional liposuction. The procedure requires only tiny incisions that do not need any stitches, therefore the area treated will recover with nearly invisible, tiny scars that will fade over time.
Slim Lipo liposuction incisions are also virtually undetectable as they are usually placed within the natural folds of the skin and fade to almost invisible once the incision is healed. Traditional liposuction incisions can be as long as a full a 1⁄2″ inch in length, while the tiny Slim Lipo scars are normally 1⁄8″ inch in length or less.
Is There Downtime After Slim Lipo Liposuction?
There is minimal downtime after Slim Lipo liposuction. The recovery time will depend upon the amount of fat that is removed along with the size of the area treated. Unlike traditional liposuction, Slim Lipo is laser assisted. Through heat energy fat is melted making it safer and easier to remove from the body.
The result is less bruising, less swelling and much less downtime than with other liposuction methods. Patients undergoing traditional liposuction often require 5 days to a week (or more) of painful downtime while they recover. While downtime time will vary from patient to patient, patients who have only a small area of the body treated may even return to work the next day. Other patients take a long weekend and may feel recovered within 1 to 2 days after the procedure. In rare cases that are more extreme, patients may need to take up to 3 to 5 days to rest before returning to their normal routine.
What Is Recovery Like after Slim Lipo Liposuction?
Typically any discomfort after Slim Lipo liposuction is only mild soreness. Some of our East Lansing patients describe it as similar to the soreness after vigorous exercising. Usually, any discomfort or soreness is easily managed with acetaminophen (Tylenol) – but our doctors can also prescribe something stronger if necessary. Slim Lipo patients will wear a compression garment for about 3 to 6 weeks. This assists in keeping swelling down, as well as accelerates the fat loss and body contouring process. It is also normal to see a mild amount amount of pink or red drainage in the first 24 hours after Slim Lipo.
Slim Lipo Liposuction | East Lansing | Birmingham, MI
Fat loss can be one of life’s greatest frustrations for many individuals. After trying different forms of exercise and diets without seeing effective results, hope can start to diminish on finding success. Fortunately, patients in the East Lansing and Birmingham, MI areas now have access to the most advanced fat loss and skin tightening solution with Slim Lipo laser liposuction. Schedule a consultation today – and take the step toward getting the body you’ve always wanted with Slim Lipo liposuction!
If you are struggling with fat loss that seems impossible – in spite of diet or exercise – Slim Lipo at Aurora Medi Spa in East Lansing and Birmingham, MI may be the answer! Schedule a fat loss consultation today – at either our East Lansing or Birmingham, MI Medi Spa – and take the first step to being the best YOU with Slim Lipo!
Slim Lipo Liposuction | East Lansing, Birmingham, MI: 248-566-5901
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Aurora Medi Spa in East Lansing and Birmingham, MI combines the latest advances in plastic surgery with state-of-the-art non-surgical aesthetic procedures. The result is a new you who feels confident and beautiful in your skin. In our luxurious Med Spa setting we put patients first, so you will look and feel rejuvenated, re-energized, younger and more beautiful!
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